I’m sorry, you were saying something about a trail of mangled bodies?
Just the GIFs Ma’am.
When Halloween Shindig was just a lowly Tumblog, we got into the habit of posting standalone .gifs. Though we tend to incorporate them directly into posts now, here’s all the stand-alone gifs we’ve posted.
Generic the 13th!
Super Trantor
Troll Fighter #1
Ernest Knuckles Up
Easy RBI’s
Chiodo Trolls!
Fuck This Chair
We’re The Ottomans!
Ernest, Stop!
Look at All the Trolls I Give
Denied By Dracula
Title Gifness
Never Let Go Jack
Goo FX!
Subway Horrors
He is VIGO!
Cronenberg Theater
80’s Lightning
Just some awesome 80’s lightning effects…I have a soft spot for ’em.