
Episode 19: Duck, You Sucker! It’s Title Tracks Pt. 5

The Shindig Radio gang finally returns, and regionally specific fan favorite, Kyle Sullivan, is returning along with ’em!

Join him as he joins Graham C. Schofield and Mikey Rotella to endure more Horror Movie Title Tracks of dubious quality.

Laugh, You Clown! as you hear them hear songs from genre classics like 1973’s Arnold, Mexico’s Don’t Panic! and Alan Plone’s Phantom of the Ritz!

Marvel, You Rube! as they reference events from almost one full calendar year ago, like Matt Mastrella’s 43nd birthday and the passing of film legend William Smith.

Recoil, You Pussy! as they eat dusty skillet chips and scratch dry shit!

Duck, You Sucker! It’s Title Tracks Pt. 5!



Ray Chiodo

Some awesome stop-motion animation from The Chiodo Brothers, with a little nod to Mr. Ray Harryhausen.

R.I.P. Ray.



TRACK #55:

Freaked by Henry Rollins & Blind Idiot God

From the extra-90’s, ultra-FX-ladened, creature-feature-comedy Freaked, comes this Title Track from Henry Rollins & Blind Idiot God.

I love Freaked. What’s not to love?


  • Bill S. Preston, Esq. (Alex Winter) writes, co-directs and stars.
  • Randy Quaid turns up as a nutball mad-scientist.
  • You even got Mr. T in there as a Bearded lady.
  • Keanu Reeves sneaks in as the (uncredited) Dog Boy
  • Bobcat Goldthwait voices Sockhead.
  • and William Sadler plays a sleazy corporate greaseball.Not to mention…
  • Awesome creature FX from Steve Johnson’s XFX
  • More awesome FX from Screaming Mad George and company.
  • Some great stop motion from the Chiodo Brothers
  • One of the coolest title sequences ever
  • and this awesome spinning Randy Quaid head

Plus, it has a pretty kick-ass soundtrack. A soundtrack, I might add, that was never officially released. These puppies come stolen clean from the DVD.

If you’ve never seen Freaked, and you’re at all about creature FX, foolish 90’s comedies, or bizarre movies in general – find someone who has a copy of this, mug them, and watch it immediately.

More music and gifs from Freaked to follow this initial blast, later in the playlist. For now, enjoy these humble Shindig offerings.