
Episode 22: Once Upon a Time There Were Title Tracks

Shindig Radio is finally back with fan favorite Kyle Sullivan listening to some fan favorite Title Tracks, as promised.

Join Kyle as he sleepwalks through a Non-Halloween Halloween episode with pals Mikey Rotella,  Graham C. Schofield and a hit list of misses from the likes of…

1963’s Ruby, the subtextually frustrated Fear No Evil, the packed and stacked Dangerous Seductress, the unfortunately titled Night Visitor, the unfortunately made Road Meat, the long ignored Lost Boys…and many more.

It may be literally over a year late, feature absolutely nothing Halloweeny, and contain an uncomfortable amount of questionable songs, but we hope you remember…

Once Upon a Time There Were Title Tracks!




Hard Rock Nightmare

TRACK #377:

Hard Rock Nightmare by The Bad Boys

If a movie hits you off so with its Title Track before introducing you to all of its main characters or even an inkling of its plot, than you know you’re off to a good start.

When that Title Track get played diegetically in the film by a literal garage band, that’s even better.

If that Title Track is played directly after a young boy drives a stake through his grandfather’s heart cause the old bastard was terrorizing the kid by screaming “I’m a Vampire!!?” at the top of his lungs…then you’re watching Hard Rock Nightmare, my friend.

This psychological thriller cum Scooby Doo episode features a fair amount of rocking from our heroes, The Bad Boys, a name so dumb even their own band members clown on it. But as you’ll hear in the song, the local police force is getting a little tired of their loud and lousy rock.

So, now they’re out practicing at Jimmy’s Grandma’s house. Ya know, the one she left him despite him ruthlessly murdering her husband like a creature of the night. Hey, he was being kind of an asshole. She said as much herself.

But, it seems that there’s a werewolf on the loose too and doing some murdering of its own. But is the wolf real? Are the mysterious phone calls Jim’s getting from his Grandfather hallucinations? Is anyone gonna get to bang the undercover reporter writing about the band for her sister‘s rock magazine? Who knows!

What we do know is that it’ll be a Hard Rock Nightmare, cause they’ve let us know that shit right out the gate. And God bless ’em for that.

Here it is, just another Title Track from 1988. It’s Hard Rock Nightmare!