
Episode 10: For A Few Title Tracks More

Special guest Kyle Sullivan joins the gang for an unexpected and impromptu journey deeper into Title Track territory.

Could be these songs weren’t good enough. Or perhaps they weren’t quite bad enough. Or maybe they just weren’t genuine enough for Parts 1 and 2.

Whatever the case may be, songs from Prom Night, Transylvania 6-5000, Hellraiser 3, Happy Birthday to Me and many more will get the chance to plead their case when Shindig Radio reaches back into the bag…

For A Few Title Tracks More.




TRACK #68:

Howling by Babel

Round 3 of The 80’s Oddball Sequel Dance Party goes to The Howling, a franchise that seems to have produced nothing but oddball sequels.

I’m not exactly sure what to make of Howling 2, another gem from 1985. For that matter, I’m not sure anyone involved is sure either.

Christopher Lee personally apologized to Joe Dante on Gremlins 2 for appearing in it, if that gives you any idea of what we’re dealing with here.

However, despite all the uncertainty, there are a few things you can be sure of:

  1. It’s definitely not the worst Howling entry. In fact, it may just be the most enjoyable, and that includes its predecessor.
  2. It’s ridiculous. It’s awesome. It’s ridiculously awesome.
  3. You’ll see Sybil Danning in (and out!) of some bizarre outfits that’ll make you believe Lady Gaga jacked her entire steez from Stirba: Werewolf Bitch.
  4. Ditto for the bewildered Christopher Lee (except the nudity and Lady Gaganess)
  5. You’re gonna hear this song, performed by fake band Babel, at least a dozen or so times throughout.

And anytime a song is this permeable, it’s definitely on the Shindig.

I highly recommend it’s viewing to anyone who wants to see:

  • Werewolves
  • Werewolves fucking
  • Awesome werewolf-cult orgy-parties
  • Sybil Danning’s tits
  • Christopher Lee lookin like a Jedi
  • Christopher Lee straight stabbing werewolves
  • Bizarre werewolf logic and mythos
  • A weird munchkin thing running around in a scary mask
  • Crazy 80’s laser FX
  • Whack-ass shape wipes
  • Some of the worst werewolf acting around
  • Some of the worst acting around (save for Christopher Lee)
  • Seriously some of the worst editing ever

Ridiculous Howling 2 gig blast commencing forthwith. Get your reblog button ready. It’s at the bottom now. Thanks Yahoo!

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