
The Devil Rides Out

TRACK #319:

The Devil Rides Out by Icarus

So here’s a curious situation that I’m not sure we’ve encounter thus far on The Shindig.

On the surface, this song (the debut release from British rocker’s Icarus) is a full blown Title Track. Now, that’s what I like to hear!

But wait a sec, this song doesn’t appear anywhere in 1968’s The Devil Rides Out.

That can probably be attributed to the fact this song wasn’t written for the film at all, but rather after the film was made. Turns out Icarus was inspired by the pre-release marketing for The Devil Rides Out to write this song. That’s a little weird.

However, it was totally released in tandem with the premiere of the film and the band themselves were even invited to the shindig. What’s goin on here?

So, written because of and about, and is named after the movie? So, is this a Title Track or not?

I say no. If anything it’s a Title Track After the Fact, but even that’s a stretch. It appears in no film that I’m aware of, sequel or otherwise, relegating it the land of Referential, I’d say. But it’s so close, so very damn close to being a Title Track.

But enough about that business, let’s talk The Devil Rides Out, Hammer’s straight-faced, Christopher Lee anchored, Christianity-conquers-all, Satan-banger.

Just check out this French Grande:

I have this thing, and it rules. Unfortunately, it’s goddamn giant and I don’t have any more wall space in The Hole for shit this big. Sorry also to my giant-ass Videodrome and Dracula AD posters.

Hey, check out this sweet Baphomet, which Christoper Lee calls The Goat of Mendes, which is what artist Éliphas Lévi was known to refer to his famous Sabbatic Goat image. He rules too.In fact, just check out The Devil Rides Out, cause it rules.

Shindig, ridin’ out!


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3 thoughts on “The Devil Rides Out

  1. Iain Icarus says:

    Hi Man….I wrote this…invited by Hammer…went to meet them…it was played at all the cinemas before the film.Gang loose pal…Iain Hines. PS We did only Marvel Hero LP too..The Marvel Worked of Icarus…Disney are unaware they own it…should mix and release it.

    • edtwilley says:

      Holy Toledo! Lain Hines, keyboardist for Icarus? That’s wild man. It never ceases to amaze me when the original artists find my posts somehow.

      Oh man, I’ve heard of that Marvel album, it’s a crazy story. Sorry to hear they shelved that on you guys, that must have been a real drag.

      I love that Hammer invited the band out and played the song before the screenings. It’s a shame it wasn’t featured in the movie itself.

      Was this song something you guys wrote and recorded completely independent of Hammer? Or were they actively trying to produce a song to promote the film and reached to you guys? I’d love to know more about how it came to be.

      Either way, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment! I’m sure everybody reading appreciates that kinda first-hand insight. I know I definitely do.

      Cheer Lain!

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