
Hard Rock Summer

TRACK #386

Hard Rock Summer by Alice Cooper

Speaking of Alice Cooper, who didn’t make an appearance on the soundtrack of the movie he appeared in (Freddy’s Dead) we’re gonna finally close out his hat-trick from Friday the 13th’s equal and opposite 6th installment (that’s odd) Jason Lives.

Seriously, that’s weird right? I hadn’t quite realized that until I just typed the above sentence. Both of the 6th installment of these franchises changes the title to feature the character’s names and their states of existence. Anyway….

Here’s the lesser celebrated of the 3 tunes Alice’s has in 1986’s Friday the 13th Part VI.

Used to fine effect as Megan tears ass through Crystal La…wait sorry…Forest Green, as she evades her dad’s goons attempting to free our hero, Tommy Jarvis, as he waits patiently in her crotch.

It’s a good get-away song, that’s for sure, but without the direct references to the film, or to monstery adolescent Frankenstein shit, it seems like Hard Rock Summer doesn’t get as much love as the others.

Well, as we’re wont say…on The Shindig, every song gets its day.

Except maybe Keeping Halloween Alive. I know Alice is a Shindig All-Star and that’s basically his Halloween song, but man oh man is that not something I want on this list. It’s been in the bullpen for years, and each season I give it another chance to have grown on me, for me to have grown a little and accepted it for what it is. But man, I just can’t do it. At least not yet, and maybe even never. Oh well, guy’s got like 6 songs or some shit on the playlist already and Identity Crisises will show up eventually, so give it a rest, will ya?

Here’s Joe Satrini’s Summer So…oh wait, I mean, here’s  Alice Cooper with Hard Rock Summer!


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2 thoughts on “Hard Rock Summer

  1. Anonymous says:

    Just out of curiosity, why don’t you like “Keepin’ Halloween Alive”? I mean, there are objectively worse songs that ARE on the playlist.

    • edtwilley says:

      Haha! Well, I can’t argue with that, not with Butch Patrick on the list anyway.

      But I think it’s that it’s Alice Cooper but it’s sounds all Rob Zombied out and Nu Metally. I don’t really want my Alice Cooper sounding that way. People can (and I know they did) make the same argument about his 80’s output with the synths and shit on He’s Back and the like, but I like that sound so I don’t give him a hard time.

      It also feels a little lame to me. Like it wants to be a cool song about Halloween instead of just being a cool song about Halloween, if that makes any sense.

      And again, thank you Austin. I wish every post had a comment like this.

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